happy memories

Today, I've spent a lot  of time saving old slides onto the computer.  It's one of those jobs I put off as long as possible but when I do start into it, I love the memories the images bring.  

The memories are great - work trips in this current box - and on some visits, members of my family flew out for a holiday when I'd finished working.  They weren't all pleasant trips; South Sudan, Uganda in the mid 80s and Kosovo come to mind.  One sobering thought is how many horrible things I've witnessed around the world.  I've presented the images and told the stories, but years on, I'm feeling challenged to reflect on what I've seen and make more sense of it.

Another - slightly more trivial thing leaps out in every slide I'm in too - I'm much lighter in the pics than now and remember having so much more energy.  Ok, we're talking quite a few years ago.... but it's a good boot in the backside to take things in hand a little!
So... a few of my favourite shots; The Taj Mahal, Kenya, Nepal, Nepal again - my favourite day ever when we flew over a real life relief map, Owen Falls in Uganda - the source of the Nile - and a little boy called Moses, after an interview with a Korean man who had a "cure" for HIV, and filming in the Himalayas.  Sighs with pleasure.