Reasons to be

So it took a while to get to this... but in no particular order and off the cuff;

  1. for the computer working again!
  2. for my brother and sis-in-law moving in for a weekend's chillin out
  3. for being reminded that God is faithful and never lets go or gives up on me
  4. for all the flowers and cards that arrived this week to encourage me
  5. for another chemo week being over and the climb up the hill starting again
  6. kind nurses who persevere in the unending hunt for veins
  7. for my family, who are the best example of servanthood I'm ever likely to see this side of heaven
  8. for a little tiny boy who smiles and laughs with/at his mad aunt almost always on cue
  9. for my parents getting a rest in Tennerife
  10. for the painter/plasterer/glass fitter/floor fitter all adjusting schedules
  11. for M&S offering more than cheese wires to wear when a girl craves big knickers on "there, there, there" days
  12. for pear pickin' porky lollies
  13. for Ali's great pudding at the book club
  14. for Robo's chauffeuring and cleaning skills and general good humour when I'm grumpy
  15. for Roger's magical mystery tours cheering me up on the way to the hospital
  16. for the girls in the "Good Book" club and their big fat appetite for more of the Word
  17. for whoever invented hot fruit parcels with rosewater and honey yoghurt - this year's winner in the "best-desert-I've-ever-eaten" award!


  1. 18. that you're blogging again so now my mother can stop asking me when you're going to be back in blogland!

    I know what you mean about the M&S knickers ....

  2. Like an apple crumble and custard with a Meg Ryan film sort of thing? Why is that a cure for all ills on those "need big knickers" days when the world hates you or vice versa?

    I'm adding...

    19. For whoever invented the shower - perfect for a toddler who got sand today in places I didn't know it was physically possible to get sand in.
