Still on course...

So the March "make" was completed with a few days to spare - and I'm really pleased with it. I wanted to see if I could concentrate to follow a pattern (turns out I'm not a natural..) but after a zillion false starts, I got into the swing of it. I doubt I'll make another one - I prefer less fussy patterns though I loved the colours of the yarn (Crofter).  That said, it's a sweet wee cardi for a toddler and I'm now on the hunt for a dress/leggings or tights for underneath.  The girl is due to arrive in a week or so.

Pattern reading is a whole new kettle of ball games and I'm more of a 'wing it' girl so I really struggled with this - though I am pleased to have found new depths of persistence on the journey!

A boy's jumper next (already on the needles) - requested from friends who work in an orphanage and school in Nigeria.  They've also asked for wooly hats - the craft group in church are knitting like the world's supply of yarn is about to end.  This is a hat prototype - looks a bit odd/long but actually is soft and stretchy.  What more could a wee head want?

A possible challenge...?

So I've set myself a wee challenge or two this year. One is to make as much of our own bread as possible and the other is to "try" and produce a garment a month. So, not a big stick to beat myself with, but a carrot to encourage me to have a go and there's no harm done if it doesn't always happen. 

The garment a month is on course - mainly because I'd so much hanging around time in hospital with a poorly mum. January started off with a simple knitted jumper for my brother's 50th birthday present. Mum then fell for multi-green sock wool of all things... and requested a crocheted waistcoat - February's garment.

 I'm pleased with both garments - especially as they've been appreciated during the endless cold weeks of February and March. Also pleased at how productive I feel! On the needles now, a baby cardigan and a hooky blanket to use up the stash.... And at the machine, a black linen jacket (unlined, though I'll probably regret that). I've had to stand back from work until Easter for sure and have taken on the role of full time carer for now, so am making the most of my spare time.

Bread wise, I've made white yeast, brown yeast, potato farls, soda bread and wheaten. Tonight, having nursed a sourdough starter for weeks now - it looked like a bit of a faff and what with various bouts of illness and an elder fall, I just kept feeding  it and bunged it in the fridge until I'd more time.

Had I known how easy it was, it would have been made ages ago. It's tangy and delicious. I'll play with the recipe a little - probably won't add any whole wheat next time just to see how that works out. Anyone any suggestions for flour combos to use?