The alternative to a wig on bad (no hair) days?

I was stared at this week. Really stared at. "It's because I've no hair isn't it?" She nodded. "Do you think it's a bit funny looking?" She shook her head. "You know it will grow again soon don't you?" Another shake. She's five years old and has great fluffy blond "springs" - curls to you and me. She also hasn't seen me since I started the billiard ball with stubble look and clearly, she was troubled by it. She's in good company. "You're not seriously going to do without a wig are you?" My mother. And she's not alone either: "Have they given you a wig yet?" (I am literate enough to read between the lines of another relation's words.)
So I got the wig - I didn't have much choice.
Cheery-Cheery, the ever happy head of wigs at the McDermott (cancer) Unit insisted and I hadn't the energy that day to argue. I'm not sure what to do with it though. It's hot, hairy (no surprise there) and looks ridiculous. A fellow-sufferer confided that hers blew off in the local High St recently and while she laughed, a passer by nearly had a heart attack. So in the interests of public health, I won't be wearing it but I can't think of a use for it. Dressing up box for little'uns or boot sale or fire it off to ebay's folicle club if such a thing exists? What does a gal do with an unappreciated wig and polystyrene head, wig oil and shampoo or whatever gloop I bought with it? Any suggestions?
Here's the thing: when it's cold I wear a bandana thingy. When it's warm, I go topless (so to speak). Frankly, I don't care and it really hasn't bothered me for even 10 seconds. It's quick, easy to dry (!) and I don't have to look at it. Way I see it, I'm sick, I have a vile toxic cocktail of chemotherapy every three weeks, my hair fell out quickly, it'll probably grow again, but for now, this is me, get used to it!
(Suggestions welcome as to suitable use of said clump of fake hair!)


  1. ROFL. The 'main street' incident sounds like a scene from 'Just for Laughs'. I think we should set that up someday.

    Have you given any thought to passing the wig off to a pet shop as a rare breed of guinea pig?

  2. And it happened to a girl with the greatest sense of humour - just as well - though I'm sure it was traumatising too.

    Lol, a guinea pig? Would do a good impression of a hibernating one. (Do guinea pigs hibernate?!)

  3. Your hair had very good reason to get out quick because of your recent cocktails.
    Makes me wonder what I've taken to frighten mine off....and I don't even drink.

  4. Your hair had every reason to get out quick because of your recent cocktails.
    Makes me wonder what I've done to frighten mine off....and I don't even drink.
    AlanJ (an early learning bLogger)

  5. Hi AlanJ,

    why do I feel the need to hastily confirm that my cocktails are all chemical and not alcoholic? All that latent presbyterianism seeping out or something?!!

    Looking forward to reading your bLog!

  6. Oh gosh, wig wearing is horrible. I have to perform in wigs sometimes for belly dance and they are damn hot and uncomfortable. I get neck ache from not moving my head properly, as I subconsciously think its going to fall off. Id give the wig to a child for dressing up. My kids love a good old wig n high heels session. In the mean time Id stick to scarfs and things if you fancy dressing up, and topless if you don't. I'd be just like you I think. I'm so glad you have the strength of character not to get too caught up in the no hair thing. I'm absolutely sure you still look as gorgeous as ever.

  7. Dressing up box it is then Bree! Will happily go topless (headwise anyway!) and leave the belly dancing to experts like you. I'd never know which belly to wobble first - being built for comfort and not speed or flaunting.
