Cue Vacuum cleaner noises

Anyone know where I can buy glue on hair?!

I discovered an old school friend has a hairdressers near home, and since I needed a TRIM (ie - "just take the ends off please - I'm happy coming every few weeks....") but I think we talked a little too much. Rather, she talked and my eyes watered at the pain of watching my folicles disappear - couldn't have done a cleaner job if she'd used a vacuum cleaner.

Thing was, there was no point in stopping her, because once one bit's done..........

If you see a bucket on two shoulders waltz down the street... it's me. See you uh... maybe in September?

(Now where did I leave those chemo hats............)


  1. It's the season for it ... I'm having the chop tomorrow.

    The thing about hair is that it grows back. Which is why, every so often, I decide to go scaldy baldy myself.

    Though, that is not the plan for tomorrow ....

  2. Me too Etta - tomorrow I am going for short back and sides - I cant wait!! the shorter the better!!

  3. Ah I feel like part of a gang or something... this week's baldies! I still feel my head looks like Desperate Dan's chin though.... contemplated going into work today wearing a burkha or at least a scarf.... but thought that might be a bit extreme.

  4. have to report, despite the fact the man with the scissors said it was a lovely length and he wouldn't cut any off the sides, I am a little disconerted that I can no longer put my hair up.

    however, I at least am not bald as a coot, Etta ;-)
