In an Austenesque sort of way, embroidery seems like a Sunday afternoon activity, and chain stitch seems appropriate. Ellie - my aunt - is cared for in a place where no-one seems to know who owns what clothing and more worryingly, no one seems to mind. Happy confusion reigns. Dementia, alzheimers and the elderly mentally infirm live in this care home - physically anyway. Mentally and emotionally, they're more likely to be found either in the past or wandering in the daze of days between then and now.
Despite having a name tag stitched into every garment, folk often wear other people's clothes. I'm hoping that having her name embroidered smack bang on the front of the softest, loveliest new nightdress might draw attention to the "mistake" if the wearer is not "Ellie". Anything to make a girl feel special.