
Yikes... nearly missed the boat and not because the cove was moonlit - couldn't get the new camera software to load without jiggering the entire system. Will have to re think the download method or this 365 melarkey will last a week at most. Anyway - pretty wick pic, out an upstairs window (baltic outside) but a corker of a moon reflecting on the cove and it sort of worked for me anyway.
For the curious, Ali's to blame - again. 365 photos for 2010.... 1 a day I gather, so can't buck them all into one post! Tempting!!! Check out the links on the right for others doing the project - and they'll link you to others if you're interested.


  1. Very arty pic, I like it. I hear it gets easier as time passes, I'm dubious!

  2. Hi Wils - thank you so much for your comment on my page and I've now linked you too.

    Well if I had such a wonderful outlook I wouldn't have to fill my post up with clutter!!! lol

    Glad you managed you get you stuff uploaded as I double clicked on the photo and it is truly awesome.

    Happy New Year love from Judyx

  3. So long as you're taking a photo every day then it doesn't matter if you don't get it uploaded on that day (although it's easier if you do so as to avoid missing a day by mistake). But it's your 365 so you can do your own rules - no one's holding you to account!

    Nice photo with a good reflection of light.

  4. Thnks for the encouragement folks and a happy new year! Ali, it has to get easier!
