Air getting in maybe?

It was raining, so maybe her brain rusted.... or maybe this afternoon's strong winds blew the wit out of her.... but in the space of an hour or so;

"there's only spaghetti... but it's the pasta sort of spaghetti". (Rather than the... what kind?!)

"Are those the cutting kind of scissors?" (yes... I left the "weave-the-fabric-back-together" scissors at home.)

"you're so slow... are you writing an epiphany?" (.....??? you really couldn't fake it could you?)

and the slightly more obscure one; "now, he wasn't a cow or anything... he was a man, but he said he was a fresian and he lived on food he found in bins." (Uh... would that be a freegan? Nearly crashed the car laughing at that one.)


  1. hooey... but it could have been! Or me - you know how I'm struggling at the moment with words...but that's getting better. Numbers are a whole different kettle of ball games!

  2. The brain is an evil thing and plays the cruelest of tricks on us...I feel her pain.


  3. Hear you are home again - tell us all about it!!
