Meme-o to self... no more tagging!

Ali tagged me a while back... so here goes;

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

Easier I think if there's a theme... let's see... misdemeanors and silly stuff?

1) During a great aunt’s funeral in the crematorium. I was playing the organ and as expected, everyone very upset, (by her death, not my music… I think?!) As the coffin platform descended to the depths (and furnace area) I looked up to see, fixed to the wall just past the organ, a fire extinguisher… for? It tickled my chuckle muscle and I’m afraid to say, I lost it.

2) At a church service for a particular “orange” organisation, I played a “disguised” version of an “unacceptable” national anthem on the organ … and no one noticed. Mischievous, but satisfying.

3) I was very impressed with my new stilettos (ok, I was about 16). Dressed to the nines, I chose to wear them to Youth Fellowship for their first outing. No one told me the plan was to walk up Cave Hill in Belfast after church. One of my heels is still there somewhere.

4) We were in my friend's hospital room and she was recounting an earlier visit from a mutual friend who was a junior doctor. She was a little embarrassed when he proceeded to examine her after what she thought was just a social call. “I’m sure you felt like running a mile when he said...” She’d just had a leg amputated. She laughed, bless her. I was mortified.

5) I helped “pour” a jug of ice cubes down a co-presenter’s back during his last programme. Thank goodness it was radio, though he did sound very odd.

6) Inappropriate emotion? Another colleague confessed to falling into his mother’s grave at her funeral. I’d already heard. So had just about everyone in work. I really did my best to make my tear filled eyes look like sympathy but when the giggles hit… (It was one of many “accidents” including locking himself inside his house and losing the keys – twice, then there was the time he stabbed himself with a letter opener…. )

7) While on holiday in France with a group of friends including one irritatingly passionate vegetarian, I had an irristible urge to stir the veggie pot with a very meaty spoon. The meal was declared “the tastiest ever” by said vegetarian. I’m a nicer person now. I think.

8) At college, I called a fellow student and claimed to be from the student health centre. I told him his urine sample wasn’t adequate for the raft of tests required and requested he supply a larger quantity – maybe a litre or so. Later, we waited in the health centre to snigger when he arrived with his piddle-pot. (He wasn’t ill, just the routine health checks at the start of a university course.)

Now tell us something about you; Charlene, Laura, Bree and... heck, I don't think I know eight bloggers who haven't already done it!


  1. My mom worked with a vegetarian for many years. She would lecture and lecture about how cruel it was to cook an animal -
    "have you ever heard a lobster scream when you put it in the boiling water? hideous!" she once said to my mom.

    To which she replied "broccoli screams MUCH louder."

    Tee your random facts!

  2. hahaha loved them Etta!! Especially the one about the "orange" service!!! hahaha

    Ok I will try and post this sometime....not very good at writing these things but lets see if I can come up with eight things!!?!!

    Ok dinner is bleeping - have to go.


  3. Dana... have you never heard onions weep?!

    Laura.... see, I knew you'd get that one. Your go now.

  4. Hi Etta

    Good to see you looking so well last night.

    I’ll try to call in on Saturday for the Tearfund coffee morning. Hubby used to play for Groomsport FC but still goes to watch them so I’ll throw him off at the Meadow and pop round for a cuppa!


  5. the emotional torture of having a fire extinguisher at a loved ones cremation! only in Belfast

    If I get cremated I want everyone to bring marshmallows and toast them

  6. Ruth, good to see you and Wendy too. Would be great if you could call on Saturday. Bring anyone you can find on the way!

    Ali... would that mean I could buy your grave off you?!

  7. Half of it yes, if you're prepared to share with the anally retentive one!
