Back in action....

...having been "missing" for a while. Isn't it lovely to be missed?! Thanks Bree, Ali, Laura and "Anon" - touched by your thoughts/concern! I'm grand thanks - just gone into a "came-over-all-excited" phase. Might be that I have hair again (sort of) or that I got to the end of the radio therapy "cooking" or even that it's the start of my favouritest season in the year. Maybe just a combination of all three.

I've been busyish too... York, Spain and Portugal putting friction burns on the passport and the plastic... but most importantly, we had a golden wedding anniversary to celebrate in the family. My parents (mug shots here) were married on 13th September 1958 in Belfast.

Family and friends came together in the lovely Clarendon Building, Belfast to mark the occasion and it was wonderful; to the twinkling harp music on a sunny day (yes there was one specially ordered) we chatted, laughed, remembered, ate, sang and told our stories - some of them captured in the "Quilt of Golden Moments" which was presented along with a book recalling the memories with photos. You can see the quilt if you click on the flickr badge to the right of the web page - for those not sure of flickr, once in the "badge", the pics are probably best viewed by clicking on the little screen logo to the right (just under where it says "55 items") then if you're really interested, on the top of the page, click on the "info on" bit to find out about the stories. It's been such a rewarding project to work on and Billy and Leta are just so moved by all the memories and the love stitched into it.

Then as a family, we headed to Portugal for a very special holiday; a golden wedding, a couple of fortieth birthdays and an end of breast cancer treatment. Just what the doc ordered all round!


  1. Glad to hear all the biz! Pics are brill - we all enjoyed it too.

  2. Just checked the captions on the quilt pictures. What do you mean my memories need a soundtrack? Are you saying I talk too much? Surely not!!!!

  3. Wow Etta those quilt pics are awesome. What a wonderful idea. I cant wait till my golden wedding anniversary now -Im going to insist on a quilt.

    Glad to hear you are well, and that youve been having such an exciting time.

  4. Hi Etta

    Welcome back again, you have been missed. Pass on my congratulations to your mum and dad. 50years!!! thats AWESOME!(as the say in the old USA!)

    It was soooo good to see all those photos. I really enjoyed looking at them, they made my day - really. There is soooo many people in them that I know and havent seen in a long time, so thanks for posting that. Gavin hasnt changed a bit or Al!! Say hello to them.

    Just also been in taking a close up look at the quilt. What a brilliant idea! Kristians mum and dad have a 50th anniversary next year so maybe this is something we could do for them??!!

    Well keep well and keep posting!! Hope to hear from you soon again!

    Got to go make dinner....bye

  5. Hi Etta

    What a great post to return with! I am assuming that you did the cake, I seem to remember many trips to Bangor followed up by an evening demonstration in Malone House!!
    So good to see you looking well - and happy, keep blogging!!

  6. Charlene, lol, would never say you talk too much... it's a family thing! Will dig out my box of sound effects from work - scraping toast, water being footpumped and the zip-zip-zip of sleeping bags against a background of the Waltons "night John-Boy" do for you?

    Bree, you don't have to wait for a golden wedding, what about a "Welcome Emily" quilt. I'll do you a block if you decide on your colours and sizes and if you've a theme! There's an offer you can't refuse;o)

    Laura,I'd forgotten so many were from Richview - glad you liked the pics. (What'd you make for tea?)

    Heather-Anon? Yep - cake too... still doing them but mainly for weddings. Never quite managed anything as outrageous as Ali's pizza cake!!!! Lovely to hear from you.

  7. Sounds like a great idea, but I have absolutely no idea how to make a quilt.

  8. So glad you are back! And SO glad it was busyness that kept you away and nothing else.

    Also, I can understand about the hair. Mine started to fall out from the surgery. And while it is still VERY thin, it has stopped falling out in large handfuls (a very disconcerting thing as I am sure you know!)...I think I have a bunch of hair growing back and I am quite excited about it...

    Congrats on finishing cooking! You are done! :)
