The Good Life....tractors and pig poo

So it's started... and it's a Proverbs 31 thing. You know the bit where the virtuous woman buys a field and plants a vineyard? Ok, there are a few differences. A) I didn't buy it exactly... more to do with barter.....I made a genie costume for a panto in exchange for the loan of a corner of a field, and B) the vineyard bit could be a problem.
Firstly, this is Ireland. (Think rain and cold... and "challenging" sea winds) and secondly, I'm surrounded by tee totallers... one of whom throws a "Skippy" when alcohol is even mentioned. (Anyone remembering the Australian programme from the 70s (?) "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" will understand. "what's that you say Skip? Tut tut tut tut tut tut tut......") Anyway, I digress.
I made the costume (green with gold sparkly bits) and now I have my corner of the field.

A very exciting big blue tractor.

My friend D arrived with his big blue tractor and a very clever bit of kit he designed himself to ram the whopping big posts into the earth. And it worked. And I got to drive the tractor. And I'm still all excited by it. It had loads of levers and do dahs and it was very, very exciting. I'd like to be a tractor driver when I grow up. Am I digressing again?

By lunchtime we'd all the posts in. (I got to drive the tractor all morning - did I mention that?)
It was eye-wateringly cold and I was wrapped up like a blue onion, which wasn't very flattering. (My coat was blue, not the onions I was wrapped up like. Come to think of it, I've never seen a blue onion. I might plant red ones though.... and brown ones... ) Because it's a bit unflattering, I've no pictures of me. So here's one of my friend D beside the newly finished fence. (He's the one who owns the big blue tractor.) Isn't the fence great?

So bring on the expected (4 legged) occupants of the bigger bit of the field outside my bit. I'm ready. Except there's no gate - yet.
Now all I have to do is get stuff growing. What would you plant? All (serious) suggestions welcomed.
D suggested a couple of pigs to fatten up over the summer on the basis that they'd root about and poo all over the place helping to get it ready for next year... I have left it a bit late to get organised. Hadn't given much thought to livestock, but am worried I might get a bit attached to them, so will think this through. (Once I stop fantasising about leaving broadcasting and driving tractors for a living. )



  1. I remember Skippy. I loved that kangaroo.

    Thats one helluva big garden you went and got yourself there girl. I wish I'd seen the genie costume!

    What would I plant ... personally I like grass, but I know someone who could spend hours and hours talking to you about planting and growing and organic ... don't completely hijack bookclub on Wednesday!

  2. Congrats girl on achieving the plot! As for the Proverbs 31 thing, my issue wouldn't be the buying bit or the vineyard, just the virtuous woman bit! HA ha ha....

  3. Wow, I am looking forward to more posts on this farming adventure. It is really exciting. Love the big blue tractor and like you I would love to drive one around for a bit. As I am a city girl I have no clue to what you should plant.

  4. Hurray - your plot looks amazing - you'll be able to grow enough produce there to feed a village! I know you are a well experienced ex-allotmenteer so I'm sure you have a few ideas up your sleeve. I don't think you're too late, I just got some stuff in a couple of weeks ago, but it' still been so cold I reckon this is a great time to start.. i'm going for peas, mangetout, green beans, red onion, spring onion, carrots, beetroot, rocket, courgette, potatoes and asparagus as well as my greenhouse stuff.. will bring my seeds to book club on wed - you can take whatever you fancy if you havent already got sorted..xox

  5. Ali, now I don't feel so old. Tut tut tut. Roll on Wednesday - I was thinking of seed books for the next choice for book club?

    Charlene, I'm worried. Is it the "virtuous" bit or the "woman" bit you're confused about! Just you wait m'girl.

    Nancy, when you visit, I'll arrange a drive.

    Lou, oh wow, can I visit to see your plot soon? And yes please to any spare seed!

  6. hows it growing? any progess updates???

  7. My faves things to grow in the garden were broccoli (it tastes nothing like the stuff you buy in the shops!), potatoes, and loads of different types of lettuce. Theres something so fulfilling about nipping out into the garden and cutting a few different types of lettuce leaves for lunch.

  8. I also grew chamomile and dried the flowers to make some amazing tea with.

  9. Ali, it's "growing" and it's been renamed "God's Garden". Explanations another time, but it's turning out to be a blessing in many ways.

    Venus Doom (lol that name H!) have the spuds almost all in (got too many, but figure they're good "gifts" for helpers. Broc sounds good, though am I right in thinking it needs a bit of winter care? NOTHING is going to survive a winter month on this site - it's very much a spring to early autumn gig. Love the chamomile idea too... might just go there!
