a weird week

So it's been an odd little week or so. Aside from forgetting my log-in again (it's getting serious), the week was full of;

  • A musical evening with three old friends where we had a lot of laughs and sang a lot (cleverly disguised as taking an evening meeting for women in a church)...
  • a morning spent in a local nursery refreshing my memory about working with that agegroup (brilliant fun)...
  • bookclub where Ali fed us fab chocolate torte (recipe here!), and
  • a few days lying low with a boggin' throat and virusy thing going on.

Then there was "the work situation". Hmm.

It started with a blunt little email inviting me to a meeting then a phone call (from me) to find out what was on the agenda. One meeting later and I'm out of work. Literally. It appears that my post is going at the end of March and as I have leave to take (after 13 months off?!!) I'm actually finished now.

What would your reaction be?

Me? I'm bemused, relieved, cross at the way it was handled (though not remotely surprised - we're only the leading media brand in the international "communications" industry after all, so you wouldn't expect "Blooming Bad Communications" - clue there...) and I'm also excited at the possibilities the future holds. Odd isn't it?

I'm also grateful - a lot of "preparation" things now make sense. Wee things I'll not bore you with, but things that reassure me that this was planned and the way through it will be too. God works in mysterious ways! So like I say, exciting.

(Now, before anyone starts to talk about the Indian map / email "co-incidence" ....... I'm not qualified to teach those subjects to A level!! No, really!)


  1. Interestingly, a colleague of yours from the Ulternative Television Venue struck up a conversation with Jill who was wearing an Irish dance costume and two (yes, two ... and that's what started the conversation) red noses at the time. Very smiley.

    The worst news of the week is of course that you are missing the Ulster match tonight.

    All those holidays to fill ... I feel a coffee coming on :-)

  2. How did you know what I would be thinking!! I read through your post and then thought INDIA - hahaha- that was until I got to the last couple of lines and then I had a good chuckle...you know your friends too well!!

    Good to know God has everything under control - dont worry just trust...He will come through for you and it will be something even better than before!! (believe me I know from practical experience with Kristian)

    By the way, I loved the "Blooming Bad Communications" hahaha You would really have to be thick to not get that one - even I worked that out! hahahaha

  3. YOU CRACK ME UP when you said, "forgetting my log-in again (it's getting serious)" ...glad I'm not the only one!

    On a serious note, your job situation... God will close some doors to open bigger ones! Life is a journey, and it sounds like yours is getting ready for an adventure. I agree with Laura...God's in control, ya gotta TRUST!

    Jeremiah 29:11, sista gal-friend!!! (imagine this said in a Texas southern twang!) :-)

    You're in my prayers!

  4. Hope your throat infection has cleared. As for the job why worry? You have so many strings to your bow you'll slot in somewhere!
