Very unusual birthday present!

My just-turned-10 God-Daughter number 2 (hereafter GD2) had an unusal birthday present this month - a Hampshire ewe and two lambs! Goes without saying almost that the l'il guy adored them - he blew a raspberry everytime the ewe "huff puffed" at not having her lamb right beside her - very funny. Pic shows GD2, her sister and the l'il guy. A cold, but very happy day!


  1. Yes, I have a birthday this month. No thanks!

  2. That's cool! Does that mean they stay in her house/farm and she is going to look after them?

    We used to have a lamb we reared by hand,it was a pet allright. We used to call his name and he would run to us like a dog. We found him dead one morning will his belly all swollen up. Talk about trauma...

    Thanks for stopping by...

  3. My birthday is soon but I'm not sure if I would like a lamb or not. Mum and dad wouldn't like me to have a lamb! The only pet I've had was two goldfish and I bought them myself.

  4. Ali and Michael,
    I'll cancel the lamb order then! What about a few hens? You've plenty of room for them and eggloos look like a neat place to live!

    Esther, not only is she looking after them on their farm, but she's already planning a flock of her own when she's a little older -which might mean next year ;o)
    Your lamb experiences sound a bit traumatic.

  5. Hi Etta

    Happy New Year to you too. No I wasnt arrested for wearing the wigs - just got some funny looks when I wore one of them up to the supermarket!! Been a bit busy with nothing exciting to report - but hey, I´m back again so check out the blog (but only if you want!!) Take care....I actually wouldnt mind a wee lamb - would make a lovely roast for a Sunday dinner!!
